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Home > About Us > FAQS


General Information

What are EXPO New Mexico's hours of operation?

When is the New Mexico State Fair?

Is there transportation alternatives for getting to EXPO New Mexico and the State Fair?

Are you hiring?

How can I become a vendor at the Flea Market and what are the rates?

Are Recreational Scooter Allowed?


How can I buy tickets to an event?


How do I book a venue?

Can I have my wedding , holiday party or other private event at EXPO New Mexico?

Can I rent horse stalls? How much are they?

Prohibited Items

Are firearms or other concealed weapons allowed on State Fair property?

Are there restrictions on items that can be sold at the flea market?

Public Health

What is coronavirus/COVID-19?

What are the symptoms?

What can I do to protect myself?

What is EXPO NM doing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19?

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